Saturday 17 August 2013

Amvanei IP Project, Legend of Korra fan art, and available for freelance

Hi everyone, heres a rather large update to keep this blog up to date with my other sites. Firstly I am currently posting a lot of my work in my new online sketchbook over at you can see wips of my work there, and it is generally the best way to keep up to date with what I am doing at the moment.

I am currently working on a intellectual property project, that I am hoping will tie all of my work together, my goal is to use the project as eventual preproduction work for my final masters project next year. My previous work on the action RPG I will try to implement into this project.

Below is some of the work I have done so far.

This is a rough version of the world of Amvanei where my IP takes place. The colours represent the different biomes in the world.

To get the project started I initially created 3 mood illustrations of locations in the world, my focus was on showing the biome in particular. These are locations primarily found in the Northern hemisphere of Amvanei.

An illustration depicting the pirate Galazeal Mora as he destroys and Ladanian merchant skip and evades capture.

An illustration depicting the town of Mah'ladahs harbour, and central trading port of ladania.
Today I finished this illustration as well which was done for a change of pace. Its an illustration of Korra, from Nickelodeon's animation the Legend of Korra which is a great animation that I highly recommend. I based the textures of her costume off of Inuit reference I gathered, since I wanted to go for a more realistic depiction of the character so that it fit with my other illustration work.

And finally I am also available for freelance work, please be aware that new clients will be expected to pay 10% of agreed upon final commission upon receipt of my initial sketches. Please send all enquiries to my work email at: ill get back to you as soon as I am able.

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